Monday, August 9, 2010

Should I Travel Independently or Take an Italy Tour?

If you're considering if you should travel Italy alone or take an Italy tour, there is one important question to ask yourself : how well do you know Italy? If you are not an experienced Italian traveler, chances are that taking a tour is going to be the best option for you. You will not have to try and book hotels in cities you have never seen or visited, you won't have to be concerned about finding the top restaurants or selecting the perfect museums to attend. You can just follow an itinerary that was specially designed.


  1. I would choose to travel with an established travel authority. It would give me a real help to enjoy my tour especially those agents who are offering offer great travel packages, escorted trips, tips & tricks and what not for the beginner and seasoned tourist/traveler.I have taken my travel package from You should check it out some time.
